Mystralia is a game based on DirectX, which is officially supported only on Windows operating systems. Developing for other systems would mean a complete redevelopment, which is not possible with a small team like ours.


Therefore, Mystralia can only be played on one of the following Windows operating systems:

Windows 7

Windows 8 (and 8.1)

Windows 10

Windows 11

Any other version of Windows or other operating systems will not be supported by us.

Maximum level is 200.

  • 20 EXP
  • 120 (Custom) Drop Rate
  • 100 Penya Rate



You get the following bonuses with the items "Premium (7/15/30 days)":

  • Premium color and status/title for your character name and shouts
  • No teleport costs (Mystralia Warpstones) for the Teleporter Menu (V)
  • The Buffpang will grant max. level buffs instead of lower tier buffs (This does not include special/unique class buffs)
  • Allstat +15
  • Experience rate +25%
  • Faster upgrading speed at the NPC
  • Clean collecting (Items will be collected in a box instead of being spread single into your inventory)
  • Access to the Premium Menu on the go
    • Open the Character Bank
    • Open the Guild Storage
    • Open the Mail Box
    • Auto Shout Feature
    • Crafting on the go
    • Anarchy Buffs on the go
    • Access to the ingame Awake Bot
  • Access to your already active Permanent Buffs from other characters on your Webaccount
  • Access to your already active items in the Wardrobe from other characters on your Webccount

If you have a good idea for the server and would like to share it with us, the best place to start is our suggestion channel on Discord. There, not only the team members but also players can judge how the change would make the game more enjoyable. Of course, you can also tell your suggestion to a team member in the game.

If you are experiencing a texture or different error when using the current version of Mystralia and do not have the required file in your client, you can try the following steps to fix the issue:
  • Download and fully unpack the game again.
  • Install the necessary graphics drivers, specifically DirectX 9.0c, which can be found in the Mystralia\DirectX folder. To do this, locate the DXSETUP.exe file and run it. or Download it here: • DirectX (9.0c) End-User Runtimes (June 2010): Microsoft Download
  • If the error persists, it is possible that your antivirus is blocking certain functions of the game due to our use of the "VMProtect" (VMProtect is a software protection system designed to protect applications and libraries from reverse engineering, tampering, and cracking). To fix this, add an exception for the Mystralia folder or specifically for the neuz.exe files in the Mystralia\data directories in your antivirus settings.
It can be that you need to restart your Computer after that, because it can be buggy with some antivirus programs, that they still block them, even after you excluded the files in your Antivirus.
Guides to add exceptions:
Windows-Defender: Click here
Avira: Click here
Avast: Click here
Bitdefender: Click here
McAfee: Click here
Make an Exception for:
Mystralia (Whole Folder)
It can be that you need to restart your Computer after that.
It may also be helpful to re-download the game, not launch it yet, and first add the exceptions in your antivirus software. After doing so, perform a computer restart before launching the game.
If these steps do not resolve the issue, you may want to try other troubleshooting methods or seek additional assistance. Have you installed the required C++ Runtimes? Visual C++ Redistributable Packages 2015 / 2017
Visual C++ Redistributable Packages are libraries that contain code and resources that are used by Visual C++ programs. They are required to run applications that have been developed using Visual C++ and link dynamically to Visual C++ libraries. 

Some users do not have administrator privileges on their systems - this affects, among other things, the rights of programs. The problem can be solved in most cases by: Right-click on the Mystralia.exe -> Run as administrator.

Then this name will probably already have been chosen by another person. You can wait until the character name is released - but when the character with this specific name is deleted and stays in that state for 30 days. Only then all data of this character will be permanently deleted and so the name made available again.

You can do this by entering the following in the game in the chat (below links):

/ignore name

Of course you have to replace "name" with the name of the player to ignore. Ignored players can be managed under the messenger "E" and also unblock it if necessary.